How to Create Time-Flexible Services in Bookly

How to Create Time-Flexible Services in Bookly

By Categories: Bookly products4.7 min read

Time-flexible services in Bookly mean appointments that may have changeable lengths, and clients can select a duration that fits them. Bookly offers several add-ons designed to meet specific scenarios where varying duration of the meeting is possible. While all of them may suit similar needs, each add-on differs in setup, customization, and management.

Here is a brief overview of the Bookly add-ons that enable you to create time-flexible services.

Custom Duration (Add-on)

With the Bookly Custom Duration (Add-on), you can set a default duration and price for a unit and specify a minimum and a maximum number of bookable units available.
Bookly Custom Duration (Add-on) settings
During the booking process, clients can choose the duration of their appointment from a list of predefined options on the first step.
Bookly Custom Duration (Add-on) – front-end booking form
Bookly will then calculate the total price automatically and record the booking as one appointment in the staff member’s schedule, showing how many units have been booked.
Bookly Custom Duration (Add-on) – appointment details
Bookly Custom Duration (Add-on) – payment details
For more information on the service custom duration feature, please visit our Help Center. You can also check out our free live demo to see the add-on in action.

Multiply Appointments (Add-on)

Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) enables your clients to easily book multiple back-to-back sessions for the same service with the same service provider. This means that customers can select the number of appointments they want in a row.

On the first step of the booking process, clients can decide the quantity of consecutive appointments they wish to book for a longer meeting.
Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) – front-end booking form
You can set a maximum number of appointments available in the Bookly Settings > Multiply Appointments.
Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) settings
After the booking is made, the Bookly Calendar or Appointments list will display each consecutive booking as a separate appointment.
Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) – consecutive appointments in the Calendar
Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) – consecutive appointments in Appointments
Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on) – payment details
You can read more about the multiply appointments feature in our documentation and check out the free live demo here.

Also, we’ve compared the features and work of the Multiply Appointments (Add-on) & Custom Duration (Add-on) in this article.

Service Extras (Add-on)

Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) is primarily designed to offer additional items or products alongside a regular appointment. However, it also includes a feature that allows you to set a duration for the service extra item, which can affect the overall price and duration of the appointment.

For instance, suppose your regular service lasts for 1 hour. With the Service Extras (Add-on), you can offer an additional 30 minutes or 1 hour for the client’s choice.
Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) – settings
When the booking is made, the selected duration will be recorded in the Bookly Calendar and Appointments list.
Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) – booking form
Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) – booking details
Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) – booking details
In the payment reports, you can see the extras that a client has booked.
Bookly Service Extras (Add-on) – booking payment details
One benefit of using the Service Extras (Add-on) to create time-flexible services is the option to provide additional time at a discounted rate. On the other hand, the Multiply Appointments (Add-on) and Custom Duration (Add-on) allow you to offer services with flexible durations that are made up of equal segments with corresponding prices.

Read how to set up and use the service extras feature in Bookly in our detailed documentation. Try our free live demo to better understand how this add-on works.

Tasks (Add-on)

Although the Tasks (Add-on) for Bookly does not permit clients to select the duration of their appointments, we have included this plugin in the current list as it allows staff members without a regular schedule to be flexible with their timetables and manage unscheduled appointments.

With this add-on, clients can send inquiries through the booking form without specifying the date and time for their visit. Staff members or administrators can then schedule an appointment when they decide, providing a convenient solution for converting booking requests into a visit that doesn’t require a fixed time slot.
Bookly Tasks (Add-on) – appointment details
You can find more details about the tasks feature in our Help Center and try it for free on our live demo.


Now you see that these add-ons provide greater flexibility to your clients by allowing them to choose the length of their appointments and giving them more control over their bookings. Bookly automatically calculates the price based on your settings. However, there are differences in how these appointments are displayed and managed in the Bookly admin area.

This comparison will be helpful for you when it comes to enhancing your Bookly Pro with additional features. If you need assistance to tailor Bookly settings to your individual scenario, do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.