All You Need to Know About Automatic Discounts in Bookly

All You Need to Know About Automatic Discounts in Bookly

By Categories: Bookly products3.7 min read

Clients love discounts and promotions.

One of the most popular ways to drive revenue, reward existing customers and attract new buyers is to offer discounts for your services.

Coupon codes, automatic or conditional discounts, and special rates can be used during certain seasons, promotions, or at any time you wish in order to increase customers’ loyalty.

Let’s see how a wide range of Bookly features can help you meet various requirements and encourage your clients to book more through your appointment booking form.

Customer Groups

With the Customer Groups (Add-on) for Bookly, you can create a group of customers and specify a fixed or percentage discount that will be applied for such users during online booking.
Bookly Customer Groups (Add-on) – settings
Thus when a customer (who is authorized in WordPress) schedules an appointment via the Bookly booking form, the system automatically detects if this client belongs to the group with the enabled discount. If so, the total cost of the booking will be recalculated.

Group discount is displayed in the payment details.
Group discount in payment details
You can have as many groups as you want.

Other features include:

  • Service visibility based on a customer group;
  • Custom payment methods for groups;
  • Default appointment status for a group.

Read more here.

Coupon Codes

Bookly Coupons (Add-on) will allow you to create promo codes that can be used at the time of booking. Coupons may be assigned to specific services and staff only, tied to certain clients, have the date of expiry, and much more.
Coupons section in Bookly
Other features include:

  • Usage limit – the maximum number of times the coupon can be used;
  • Date limit – a limited period of time when the coupon code can be applied;
  • Min and max appointments in a cart required to apply promo code.

Coupon discount is displayed in the payment details.
Coupon discount in payment details
Read more here or watch a quick video tutorial on our channel.

Automatic Conditional Discounts

Many business owners are ready to reduce the service price for big groups and multiple bookings. Bookly Discounts (Add-on) allows you to configure scenarios when Bookly automatically applies a special rate during checkout.

Currently, the requirement for a discount may include the following:

  • Number of people in the appointment
  • Quantity of appointments booked during one booking session

Other features include:

  • Date limit – time period during which the discount can be used;
  • Bind discounts to all or specific services.

Conditional discounts are displayed in the payment details.
Bookly booking form – Cart step
Payment details in Bookly
Bookly booking form – Cart step
Payment details in Bookly
Read more here.

Dynamic Pricing

Bookly Special Hours (Add-on) enables you to add special time periods during which the cost of the service will be different from the default pricing. You can set a cheaper price for the selected days and hours of the week, and even highlight such time slots in the booking form to suggest them to your clients.

Furthermore, dynamic pricing can be configured for each employee and each service separately.
Staff members section in Bookly – Services tab
Read more here or watch a quick video tutorial on our channel.

Price Correction During Checkout

This feature may encourage your clients to pay for your services using a specific payment processing provider.

In Bookly Settings > Payments, select a payment method and set a percentage or fixed amount of the discount that will be applied if the client uses this method.
Price correction feature in Bookly
Bookly’s comprehensive collection of plugins provides helpful features for companies and fulfills multiple needs.

If you need our assistance to help you decide which option will work best for your requirements or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to advise!